
Questions about our Website Packages

How many pages can I have on my website?

Each website package comes with its own number of designed pages. This is the number of pages we will add to your website when we build it. You can bolt-on extra designed pages to your package for a one-off fee of £39+vat per page. It's generally cheaper to go for the higher package than paying for the extra pages one by one.

Does my website include a custom www.mycompany.co.uk website address?

Yes, all our packages include a custom website address. Subject to availability, we can register you a .co.uk, .org.uk, .com or .org domain. Other domain endings can be registered, but as the costs can vary there may be a small extra cost to your monthly fee. You can learn more about how to pick the right website address with our handy domain guide.

What is Hosting?

Hosting is renting a space on a server to store your website files so they can be viewed online at all times. All websites need to be stored on a server. Hosting is included as part of your website's monthly fee.

I already have a web address and email address, can I keep them?

If you have an existing web address and/or email address you can use them with your new website. We'll build your new site on a temporary address. When you are ready to go live we will make the updates needed to point your existing addresses to the new site.

How many pages do I need on my website?

All businesses are different, so the number of pages will vary. There is no set standard of the number of page you need. People generally expect a website to have a home page, an about you page, a page outlining your products or services and a contact page. Beyond this you might want extra pages dedicated to each product or service. It can be good for your search ranking to have dedicated pages like this. You can learn more about website pages you might need with our handy pages guide.

Do you have any examples of recent websites you can show me?

You can view our portfolio of recently designed websites here: https://www.sitebuildr.co.uk/pages/portfolio.

Does my website include a custom email address (something@mycompany.co.uk)?

Yes, all our packages include a custom email address. The number of email accounts varies between website packages. You can bolt on more accounts if you need for an extra monthly cost. It's usually cheaper to choose a package that includes the nearest number of email accounts that you need.

Questions about our design process

How long does it take to build my website?

Once we have received your completed Welcome Pack, it normally takes around 10-15 working days for us to design and build the first draft of your website. If you have purchased Logo Design, we usually complete this first within 5 working days. The total time will depend on how many amendments are needed to your designs. To reduce the need for amendments, we recommend taking your time with your Welcome Pack. Provide as much detail as possible for our designers.

How do you find out what I want?

We will arrange a personal call with the aim to gather all the information needed to create your own unique website for your company.

What is the website build process?

We've tried to make our process as simple as possible. First we will ask for a 50% non-refundable deposit. We will the arrange a personal call whereby we will ask you things such as what colours you like, sites you like the look of and pages you would like, etc . This helps our designers understand your business and get an idea of your tastes.

Once your completed we will review and start work on your website. We build the first draft of your website using a temporary website address normally around 5 to 10 working days of it being accepted. This will be a fully working website for you to provide feedback on. From this point we will make any amendments you want until you are happy with your design.

Once you are happy, we will then put you pre-live or live. Pre-live is a stage where you can make your own amendments to content before you go live. Before going pre-live or live, we will need any outstanding balance to be cleared. Once cleared, we will send over the log in details for your Website Editor for you to get started. When you are ready, we will then put you live on your own website address.

What if we don't like the website you've produced?

We find our Welcome Call is great at capturing what clients are looking for from their new websites. However if you do not like the design we produce, don't panic. The first draft is by no means the finished article and we expect there to be revisions and changes. We will keep working at it until you are happy. We only ask that you do not stray too much from what you put in your Welcome Call and engage constructively. We will work with you to resolve any issues you might have with your site.

How long until the website goes live?

Once we have completed your Welcome Call, you'll normally get your first draft within 5-10 working days. How long it takes from that point for your website to go live depends on if you need amendments and how big they are. Please allow up to 48 working hours from requesting your website to go live for it to become fully active. (It's normally much faster but it's a good idea to add some padding to your plans)

Can we update content when the website is live?

We understand the importance of keeping your website up to date with the latest information. All our websites can be edited using our the Website Editor (SHOPIFY). You will be able to edit your website's text and images yourself.

How much effort do I need to put into getting the website designed?

For our designers to create your website we will need our detailed Welcome Call. We'll do the heavy lifting, but the more information you give our designers the closer your first draft will be to your expectations. The better the Welcome Call, the faster you can be up and running.

I'm not good with technology, will there be support?

You will have access to our companies WhatsApp and emails whenever you need. Expect messaged response within 8 hours. Or We'll call back at our first opportunity.

Are there any hidden fees that will shows up in a year from now?

Not at all, we don't have any hidden fees. All ongoing fees are explained at every step when signing up. If you should add any more services in future any extra fees will be explained then.

Questions about billing and payments

Am I tied to an ongoing contract?

No, there's no ongoing contract. You are able to cancel your website at any time. We just ask that you give us 7 days' notice before your next invoice is due. This is so we can make sure your website package isn't renewed.

Can I cancel during the build of the website?

Yes, you can cancel at any point in the process. Depending on when you choose to cancel, there may be extra fees. If you cancel once we've produced your first draft, you will need to pay the remaining balance on the website build (usually 50%). If you cancel before the first draft has been produced, you would lose your 50% deposit payment, but you will not have to pay the remaining 50%.

Why is there an ongoing fee for my website?

All websites have ongoing costs. We are clear and transparent about all ongoing costs our websites include. We don't want to surprise you with any unexpected bills in the future.

Our ongoing monthly fee covers the hosting of the website itself. As well as ongoing support, the renewal of your website address, security and more.

What's the initial payment for if I'm paying a monthly fee?

Creating a website from the ground up takes a lot of work. The initial payment will cover the cost of one of our expert UK based designers to build your new website.

The monthly fee covers the hosting of the website itself. It also allows us to provide you with ongoing support throughout your time with us. This includes things such as website security, domains and email support if you need them.

Why am I paying a monthly fee if my website is not live?

Although your website is not live, it is still using hosting space during the briefing and build process. A dedicated hosting area is setup to store the information in your Welcome Pack. This will allow your designer to start building your website.

Your first monthly fee will not be due until a month after you signed up. In most cases, we can get websites live within this time, as long as the Welcome Pack is filled out fully and sent back to us as soon as possible.

What's the cancellation / closing site down policy?

We'd be sad to see you go, but if you'd like to close your account you'll first need to contact us to let us know. You can contact us by email at harry@sitebuildr.co.uk, speak to us on 07854206236.

All that we ask is for you to provide 7 days' notice prior to the date that your next monthly fee is due. We will then ask you to specify a closure date and your account will close on that date.

Should you ever need the website in the future, it is normally possible to return. We can reactivate your account and website for a small reactivation fee.